5 years ago

Notes from the Field: Newberry

Stream Restoration 2019 Monitoring Visit 1 Photo

Yesterday, when out making annual monitoring visits, we were delighted to see progress on a mitigation / stream restoration and enhancement project on a conserved property in Newberry, SC.

In the 17th or 18th century, what was once a meandering creek on the property was straightened and ditched for agriculture, mill race, or other purposes. Over time it became incised in the landscape so that the flow of water was fast and drained directly into the larger creek or river, thusbypassing the floodplain. To alleviate the fast flow of water and the sediment load downstream, restoration efforts (pictured) placed meanders back in the creek so it would be shallow enough to overflow the banks. This allows the floodplain to retain and store water as it disperses sediment, while improving terrestrial and wetland habitat. 

Check out these before (2017) and after (2019) photos! You can see the wetland vegetation is now thriving, and the water has successfully slowed and is being dispersed over the entire floodplain. @ Newberry, South Carolina

Stream Restoration 2017 Monitoring Visit 2 Photo Stream Restoration 2017 Monitoring Visit 1 Photo Stream Restoration 2019 Monitoring Visit 1 Photo