Field Notes: Monitoring with Mark!

We recently followed Land Stewardship Coordinator, Mark Lowery, into the field for a behind the scenes look at monitoring conservation easements! We were treated to a gorgeous day of monitoring several diverse properties in Fairfield Co. Follow along for an inside look!

There were lots of wildlife tracks in the fresh mud! We followed this deer to some pretty amazing spots! Easements provide a safe-haven for our local wildlife, allowing them to thrive.

This bright and sunny field is surrounded by various native trees like our beloved pines and was a perfect spot to stop for a snack :)

What's that saying...'over the river and through the woods'? Unfortunately, due to recent rain, the river was much higher than we anticipated and there was no getting over this river...the only way was through. The views on the other side were well worth it though! See below...

This stop was well worth getting wet for...We couldn't get over this serene pond; It's one of the landowners favorite spots to sit and enjoy nature. We spent a few minutes just sitting and enjoying the beauty before moving on to the next property.

Look at this baby long leaf pine! This property owner is experimenting with growing them in red clay. Many of our land owners are working to re-establish this tree on their properties.

We ended our day in this expansive prairie, which will eventually be used for cow grazing. The property owner is excited to get her boys involved with land management as they get older and plans to get cows for them to take care of as a first step!